
Guitar Repair Course with Michael McConville

Guitar Repair and Design

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1916 was a very significant year for Gibson.

 This was the last year that Orville Gibson
was actively involved in the workshop, 
before the rapid decline of his health. 

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These Video tutorials include complete re-frets of the bound fingerboard and / or electric bass conversion: fretted to fretless (depending on the needs of the students); safe removal of acoustic guitar bridges and fabrication of a new bridge from a rosewood / ebony blank, calculating compensation for intonation and slotting the new bridge for saddle placement, compensated nuts / saddles fabricated from bone blank, acoustic guitar fingerboard / neck removal, broken head-stock ( splicing ) repair and touch-up; repair and replacement of loose braces; fabrication and installation of cross-grain quarter-sawn splices for repair of cracks and fractures, a study of hide glue and it's practical applications, French polish / lacquer-stick for fret repair touch up, installation of an on-board acoustic-electric system; Practical soldering and wiring technique for pick-up replacement, input jacks, volume and tone controls. 

Guitar Repair Workbench

Guitar Technician Training

 Thanks goes out to all of the students from across the Province over this last 23 years; especially those who have driven to Stratford each week from Leamington, Windsor, Barrie, Woodstock,  St.Catherines, Oakville, Georgetown, Cambridge, Kitchener-Waterloo, St Agatha, Toronto, Ajax, Oshawa, Lindsay, Niagra Falls, Goderich, Listowel, Peterborough, London, Long Point, Alymer, Guelph, Acton, Hamilton, Midland, Wingham, Dundas, Owen Sound, Chatham, Mississauga and Brampton to attend these classes. 

It has been very rewarding to see so many of you spreading out across the Province and setting up shop.
My wish for all of you, is continued success in the coming years, with all of your guitar-istic goals and aspirations. 


Michael McConville