
Gretsch White Falcon Restoration

Gretsch White Falcon

This is one of the trickiest neck re-sets,
 for a number of reasons ... please read on ...

The original epoxy that was used for
 the neck to body dovetail joint; had 
"let go" .... and the heel was pulling away
which raised the strings up to the point 
where the guitar was unplayable. 

The epoxy had the consistency of bubble gum !

It needed to be cleaned out ... 
right down to the raw wood; 
in preparation for the hide glue
 that was used to re-glue
 the dovetail for a perfect fit.

The masking / air-brushing / top coating /
 shading and rub-out of the finish "touch up" /
 at the intersection of the neck and body joint;
was a HUGE part of the work in
 re-storing this guitar.

Above and below you can see the "craggy line"
of finish build up. This had to be levelled / water sanded
to guarantee a perfect fit when re-gluing the dovetail

A perfect "mechanical fit" was established 
for the male-to-female  dovetail joint.

THEN the hot hide glue was applied 
and the joint was pressed into place
 easily, with ONE clamp.

Once the joint was set ( overnight ) 
then the real fun began......

The multiple intersections of binding / heel / top / sides /
ALL had to masked off; to expose the small portion of the 
finish that needed to be exposed for airbrush shading.

The first 9 frets were replaced. Rick ( Owner ) 
logs in a lot of hours on this puppy.
This ain't no trophy piece .... 
it is a player's guitar.

I setup the right combination of masking / rags / 
and ratcheting up the TechDeck ... 
to the perfect angle, for each portion of the airbrushing.
After mixing and testing the shading lacquer several times;
 I managed to get a decent match to the original finish 
for a nice, seamless, transition. 

Above and below is a leather lined template
 that helps Rick to locate the floating bridge. 

The compensated nut relieves the tuning frustration;
especially with the Bigsby tremolo !

The Falcon has landed.

Rick Taylor led the house band at the 
25th Firehall Re-Union 

Rick ripped into to some "test drive licks",
before the rubber hits the road, for the Gig 
on Saturday night. 

This template butts up against the rear pickup ring;
and takes all of the guesswork out of 
locating the bridge for PERFECT intonation.