
Danish Neck Surgery .... let the dust fly !!

Jan's most recent correspondence, 
after using the TechDeck 
for the past 4 years:

I've had 52 guitars/ basses on the bench.
That is - the TechDeck bench of course !
Can't do without it !"
All the best from Jan Irhoj - GuitarIrhoj - DK

Danish Neck Surgery Technique .... let the dust fly !

Thanks for sending these through Jan.

It's so nice to do this work out in the open air !

I am contemplating, adding a dust room 
specifically for this type of work. 

For now, I'll take this tip from Jan,
and let the dust fly into the wind ..  \m/  !

This is another unsolicited email, from one more very excited
 "EU " TechDeck customer, who bought his workstation a couple of years ago.

This is the type of response that we receive regularly, from anyone who has had the opportunity to experience first hand, how much of a "Complete Game Changer" this workstation is, 
for people who work on stringed musical instruments.

It was years ago, that Jan ordered his TechDeck. I remember how shocked I was when he told me that he paid $766.00 Danish Tariff !!!  ( yikes ! ) + the shipping $354.00 ( OMG ! ) 

BTW: Now with the new Canada / EU trade agreement ... there is 0% Tariff .... sorry Jan ;^( .... but I'm sure you've easily flipped the purchase price a few dozen times over by now !!!  Lol !!
At that time,  he had paid an extra  $1120.00 more than my students, or his North American counterparts.

By the time he landed the product in Copenhagen it was over $3500.00 !!

To be fair ... he did get the entire package  .... NSK / Bridge Slotting Jig / Mini Neck assembly / Extra long V-blocks.

 Jan took it all in stride ....
after his first 5 days with the TechDeck he sent 17 pictures of the 17 different guitars that he had worked on !

Another recent email that Jan sent, ( June 22nd  2015 )  had 33 pictures attached .... all ... different instruments that he had worked on.  He continues to be a one-man-dynamo ... flipping the purchase price of the TechDeck ... over and over and over again.

I express my sincere gratitude, to all of the students and customers who put their trust and faith in me,  as the laid their hard earned money down; making the TechDeck a reality for the world market.

I still feel humbled, grateful and genuinely excited for each and every one of you !

BTW: A shout out to "Fast Eddies Guitar Hospital" in Langley BC ... welcome to the TechDeck club Edwin  \m/  !

Wishing continued Prosperity to ALL of the TechDeckers fro  around the World !



Jan Irhoj ( Denmark )

Jan is an extremely talented multi-tasking Artist / Musician / Composer / Producer / Guitar Tech - Builder / from Denmark.

He sent this email today ( June 22nd 2015 )  .... there were so many pictures ... that I decided to select 15 out of the numerous ones he sent ... and create a dedicated post ! Thanks Jan ... it is always nice to get this type of feedback.

I can see that you are putting the TechDeck to very good use !

BTW: After seeing your beautiful light-filled shop ... I was inspired to completely re-do my own home shop ... I'll post some pictures of my new home-shop configuration, next week, after my College Classes are finished for the summer ....\m/ !

Skol !


Hi Michael - it's been a while since last posting from me - but...been busy!

ALSO with my TechDeck ;o)

A lot of nice guitars has been resting on this couch...
....and more.

Just to say that I like it very much - and it is in use every day!

Hope that all is well with You.

All the best -

Venlig hilsen
Jan Irhøj
Kildegårdsvej 2
4690 Haslev
Tel. 56381986
Mob. 22552747