
Danish Dynamo Guitar Tech !

Danish Neck Surgery Technique .... let the dust fly !

It's so nice to do this work out in the open air !

I am contemplating, adding a dust room 
specifically for this type of work. 

For now, I'll take this tip from Jan,
and let the dust fly into the wind ..  \m/  !

This is another unsolicited email, from one more very excited
 "EU " TechDeck customer, who bought his workstation a couple of years ago.

This is the type of response that we receive regularly, from anyone who has had the opportunity to experience first hand, how much of a "game changer" this workstation is, 
for people who work on stringed musical instruments.

After his first 5 days with the TechDeck he sent 17 pictures of the 17 different guitars that he had worked on !

In another more recent email that Jan sent, ( June 22nd  2015 )  he had 33 pictures attached .... all different instruments, that he had worked on.  He continues to be a one-man-dynamo ... flipping the entire purchase price of the TechDeck ... over and over and over again.

It was a simple, straight forward mission:

 To make the safest and most versatile workstation possible.

Judging from the constant local and global response;we have unequivocally, accomplished that goal, signed / sealed / delivered !

I need to express ...... my sincere gratitude, to all of the students and customers  who, over the years,  put their trust and faith in me, as the laid their hard earned money down. 

I am still humbled, grateful and genuinely excited for each and every one of you !

Wishing you all continued prosperity. 


Jan Irhoj ( Denmark )

Jan is an extremely talented multi-tasking Artist / Musician / Composer / Producer / Guitar Tech - Builder / from Denmark.

BTW: After seeing your beautiful light-filled shop ... I was inspired to completely re-do my own home shop ... 
windows / windows  / windows !

Skol !


Hi Michael - it's been a while since last posting from me - but...been busy!

ALSO with my TechDeck ;o)

A lot of nice guitars has been resting on this couch...
....and more.

Just to say that I like it very much - and it is in use every day!

Hope that all is well with You.

All the best -

Venlig hilsen
Jan Irhøj
Kildegårdsvej 2
4690 Haslev
Tel. 56381986
Mob. 22552747