
#guitarrepaircourses online ... join Michael McConville on PATREON !

Study online
with Michael McConville 
on Patreon.

Over 300 + detailed videos that walk you 
through every guitar repair imaginable. 

Guitar Repair and Design

Hi Mike,

First of all - thanks for the fantastic Videos thus far.  I've learned more in 3 Videos than in 3 decades!!  - Played my acoustic tonight and it feels really great.

I just wanted to let you know I'm really digging this!

- cheers! - Kim.

1916 was a very significant year for Gibson.

 This was the last year that Orville Gibson
was actively involved in the workshop, 
before the rapid decline of his health. 

The instrument is in remarkable shape and will be 100% 
functional after some very careful final tweaking!

The arching / neck angle and overall finish are quite good.

Many of the Videos demonstrate of how to level and radius a fingerboard. 
Now you get a front row seat as ( with a rewind option ! )
as I radius fingerboards 
using the TechDeck / sanding blocks,
a radius gauges that I make up for my subscribers to see.


Jeff re-setting the neck angle on his 
Harmony acoustic.

Compensated nuts / bridge slotting / Bass re-fret
Neck splicing / Neck re-setting 

October 31, 2013

Dear Michael,
You have been delivering this training through Continuing Education at Conestoga College for over ( actually 23 years ) 15 years.  The quality of your courses and the feedback from your students is nothing but exceptional.  Your passion is contagious.  Your students respect your knowledge and you inspire them to further develop their skills and allow them the opportunity to apply what they have learned.  Conestoga College is proud to have you as a Professor.  You are expert in your field, reliable, punctual and a pleasure to work with!

Sandra Schelling
Dean, Continuing Education and Corporate Training
Conestoga College

Les Paul Fret Dress

Paul drove in from North York 
 to drop off this Les Paul for a compensated nut,
2 new soap bar pickups, a fret dress and setup.
See "Michael's Roster" stand alone page ... for details

Paul's response ... the following day ..

Hi Michael, 

Just wanted to say the guitar sounds great! 
I'm really happy with the results.
 It was worth the extra driving and time. 
Thanks again for the compensated nut idea, 
I think it has helped a lot. 
I've been playing it for the last few hours
 and it sounds sweet. 


57' Gibson J-45 Restoration

The guitar family extrapolates in many directions ...

12 string / Arch top / solid body /
fretted and fretless basses / nylon string classicals
Strats / Tele / Les Paul / etc... etc ...

These videos give my Patreon subscribers the opportunity 
to examine and see the work done on so many 
different types of guitars, and to examine the 
idiosyncrasies and "rules of physics"
for each member of the guitar family.

Many have taken these skills and developed them, 
opening their own small repair businesses;
others are simply having fun 
working on their own "personal brigades" of guitars.

We continue to
 "Elevate the Art " 
of Guitar Repair and Design
one Video at a time.

With Gratitude,

Michael McConville

Contact :

  " Hey Mike! Chris Van de Maele here. Former student. 
   just wanted to tell you again, thanks for all you have taught me. A new world for me has opened up thanks to you. I only get better and better as I go, and I keep my eyes and ears open to keep learning all the time. Almost all my life has been playing guitar, and having repair a part of it now is the best. You are on ongoing inspiration Mike. All the best. You rock buddy. Peace." 

Chris ( from London Ontario ) 
He picked up his TechDeck in the Spring of 2011. 

67' Tele re-fret

Hi Mike,

I just re-fretted a 1974 Gibson J-45 fretless wonder 
and installed a new nut and compensated saddle.

I would never have had the guts to take this job 
without your kind teaching.


Chris Knowles

CK Custom Guitars

Guitar Building & Repair

647 Glancaster Road

Mount Hope, ON L0R 1W0 

Adrian Jones, ( Kitchener ) an extremely talented 
multi-instrumentalist, teacher and performer. 
Adrian is leveraging his TechDeck, 
and his acquired skills,
working on numerous repairs and setups for his students
and customers. 

1967 D-28 Brazilian

Tony ( above ) is a talented Machinist / Rag time picker,
who picked up a TechDeck and a radiused sander. 

Complete refrets / compensated saddles

12 string bone nut / 
partial refrets / edge dressing

Get the low-down on
 professional fretting technique,
with step by step detailed Videos.

On my Patreon Channel you can all share in the fun 
as you learn to bring all of your instruments 
right up to Snuff !

Join me on Patreon picking up all of this information
in the comfort of your own shop !

Currently 320+ Videos ... that walk you through step-by-step.

LOT'S more to come !

These Video studies include complete re-frets on the bound fingerboard and / or electric bass conversion: fretted to fretless (depending on the needs of the students); safe removal of acoustic guitar bridges and fabrication of a new bridge from a rosewood / ebony blank, calculating compensation for intonation and slotting the new bridge for saddle placement, compensated nuts / saddles fabricated from bone blank, acoustic guitar fingerboard / neck removal, broken head-stock ( splicing ) repair and touch-up; repair and replacement of loose braces; fabrication and installation of cross-grain quarter-sawn splices for repair of cracks and fractures, a study of hide glue and it's practical applications, French polish  / lacquer-stick for fret repair touch up, installation of an on-board acoustic-electric system; basic practical soldering and wiring technique for pick-up replacement, input jacks, volume and tone controls. 

A detailed step-by-step analysis of compensated nut fabrication is now also included in the Video Library. Subscribers are shown how to calculate and fabricate a compensated nut for all of the various scale lengths and fingerboard radius choices. 

Over 320 videos to help provide students with detailed training in the set-up and repair of acoustic and electric guitars. A detailed study of fretwork technique, including safe fret removal, correcting the lay of the neck, fret levelling, re-crowning and polishing; the fabrication of hand-cut nuts and saddles and an overview of the basic physics and design of the various members of the guitar family. The elements that determine the instrument's ability to perform at it's optimum level of playability, will be covered. My Patreon subscribers will walk away with the ability to accurately set up guitars and to level / edge dress / and refret the fingerboards.  Discussion of the business aspect of guitar repairs is also covered for those that are interested in working on instruments to generate a part time or full time income. 

Rob Fletcher ( Mr. 12-String )... London  ...  is a talented carpenter,
contracter and musician who augmented his income
by leveraging his newly acquired skills / tools / TechDeck, 
radiused sander, while fuelling his passion for 12-string guitars.

 Study with Michael McConville
on Patreon
Luthier and Guitar Technician