
De-Fretted Bass for Danish customer


Fender Blacktop Bass, Partial De-fret

This bass was shipped out, so that my customer 
could intercept it for his gig, at the Gryphon House,
 on Bay State Road in Boston.

The solid brass .025" inserts, restore the tensile strength 
of the neck. This adds mass and
increases the stability and stiffness of the neck.

After realizing that the shipping  ( 2-ways ) was going to be $750 + ;
we decided to purchase a bass here and do the de-fret on the new bass,
then ship to Boston so that he could pick it up at his gig there.

The solid brass was levelled to the fingerboard surface.

The edges are then levelled and filled

In this case, I removed the first 7 frets as well. 
I replaced these with a lower profile fret, so that the transition
from fretted to fretless at the 7th -8th fret would feel smoother.
Otherwise, ( with the original large frets ) 
 it felt like you were stepping off of a cliff ( lol ! )
when going from the 7th to the 8th position.   

A final touch up on the
 edge of the fingerboard with some french polish, 
 to blend it all together for a nice, uniform, look.

It's not just that this makes a lot better job 
than trying to fill with epoxy or wood; 
but the rosewood and brass looks beautiful together too !

Last couple of shots before shipping.